(321) 508-9018 hello@adaptivityllc.com

Increase online conversions

by 400% or more

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Increase Online Conversions Book

Our Specialties

Here’s Our Toolbox

Get in touch for a free consultation

Landing Pages


Sales Funnels

Post click strategies

Search Engine Optimization

Website Design & Development


What We Can Do For You



Conversions…they mean different things to different businesses.  For some it’s the sale of a product and for others it’s a “hot lead” to call and close the sale, perhaps you’re building a list of leads to use in a campaign?  Whatever your definition of “conversion” is, we should talk.  We can customize a campaign to meet your conversion requirements.  We have quite a few tools in our toolbox.  Give us a call and let’s  “Increase Online Conversions” for you!

Landing Pages

Landing Pages, properly used, are amazingly effective conversion tools.  Read our FREE E-Book.


Whether curating or creating, let us wordcraft an E-Book to use in Conversion Campaigns.

Sales Funnels

There are many types of Sales Funnels.  Let’s talk and determine what is right for you.

Post Click

The adage is true, “Fortune Is In The Follow-Up”, and we can automate it for you.  Many options!

Quick Read

“Excerpt From The E-Book”


Did you know that studies have shown a great website typically has a conversion rate of 4%.  Yep, not real impressive!  Add to that the difficulty in getting a website to rank with the complex and continually changing algorithms with Google, Yahoo and Bing and you’re swimming upstream.

Landing Page Campaign studies have shown that properly executed will yield a 16% conversion rate.  That’s a 400% increase!   But the data is even better than that, Landing Page Campaigns with 10 or more Landing Pages are producing 55% or better conversion rates.  Are you prepared to handle that much new business?

We Should Talk

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Trinity, Florida
+1 (321) 508 9018