(321) 508-9018 hello@adaptivityllc.com

Digital Marketing Experts

Are you building a Digital Ecosystem?

Digital EcoSystem




Don’t Settle For Less

Digital Marketing Integration

Recently Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, defined his digital footprint as an Ecosystem.  That could not be any more perfect.  Of course we know it is not a living entity but the word picture is representative of the interactive dynamic of digital marketing as we now know it.  The days of a website or an email campaign as a stand-alone effort have become truly an exercise with diminished success.  We have grown into an era where the technology exists to build an “Ecosystem” with many components all working for the good of our growth goals.  This integrated digital marketing approach fosters an environment where the end result far surpasses the sum of the parts.  We have the roadmap to take you there.  Reach out and let us show you how.

New Digital Marketing Growth

Integrated Systems Approach

Online Roadmaps Built Exactly To Your Needs



Here is just one of many examples on how the digital marketing flow can work.  What is key, is to understand your goals, your market and your prospective customer.  Marketers “segment” their campaigns based on different segments that their prospects represent.  These segments can be geographic, technology specific, product specific or any number of things that differentiate one prospect group from another.  Once we have that, we can design a “Roadmap” to success.  We will often use different Landing Pages to target different segments with the use of focused keywords and Landing Page design built to resonate with that particular segment.

In our example shown we use the following tools:

    • Landing Page
    • Email Capture
    • E-Book with Automated Delivery
    • CRM/Email Client for List Build
    • Email Campaign with Automation
    • Payment Processing
    • Upsells in Funnel
    • Offer Wall



It’s not about any one thing. It’s about many things, done exceptionally well, and integrated into one.

Get In Touch For a Free Consultation

Website Design & Development

Landing Page Campaigns

E-Book Creation

Search Engine Optimization

Sales Funnels

Post Click Strategies

Email Campaigns & Automation

Copy Writing

Sales Messaging

Ad Campaigns

From Our Founder

Make Your Own Opportunities


Henry Ford once quipped that “If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got”.

If you’re ready to breakout of that rut and leverage technology to elevate your digital marketing, give us a call.

Adaptivity is a boutique Digital Marketing Agency that brings real strength and years of experience to the table.

a) We are small enough to be focussed on you and your business success.

b) We bring killer creative to the project.

c) Our Copy Writing and Sales Messaging prowess is an art form.

d) We know how to make all the different integrations fit to achieve your success goals.

Our mission is your success.  We will walk you through it and together build your “digital ecosystem”.

I hope to hear from you.

Bob George
President, CEO
Adaptivity, LLC.



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Trinity, Florida
+1 321 508 9018